Okay, first things first, what on earth is DML I hear you say? Well, DML stands for Distributed Mode Loudspeaker. Does that help? Thought not. How about NXT? I can hear you tutting already: oh lord, not another set of gawdawful NXT, flat panel loudspeakers! But fear not, unlike the endless procession of ‘picture frame’ surround sound speaker packages that you’ve probably encountered in the past – these NXT speakers actually fulfill some of the technology’s promise. For starters this system looks the business, with a distinctive design courtesy of the style gurus at the seymourpowell agency.

The M-Cube system features five identical satellite speakers and a smart little subwoofer. As a brief glimpse at the measurement specs above will show you, the Cube name is derived from the fact that all the speakers in the set are equally proportioned. They are available in two colours, a rather smart black or a kind of off-white ivory, which is also attractive. Further aesthetic enhancements can be made by changing the colour of the felt cloth that is wrapped around each of the satellite speakers – the speakers come with one set already on, and three more are supplied in the box. Also supplied in the price quoted is a pair of smart-looking tall stands, which can either be used for the front speakers or the rears – depending on the set-up of your room – you can also buy them separately if need more. Alternatively the whole system comes with wall brackets, which is possibly the best way of setting up because of the nature of DML speakers, which work best when placed right up against a wall.