Yes, we checked the date, we rubbed our eyes, we muttered disbelievingly… but rumours abound that Pioneer is to announce a range of LCD TVs and at the same time cease production of plasmas under 50in. Now lift up your chin.
We contacted Pioneer UK about the rumours and this was its response:
“On February 28, 2008 the Asahi newspaper carried an article regarding Pioneer’s plasma display business.
“This article was not based on a Pioneer announcement or interviews from the Asahi, but just on the basis of the journalist’s speculation.
“At the third quarter financial announcement on January 31, 2008, President Sudo announced that Pioneer is reviewing our display business and preparing the mid-term business plan aiming to generate a stable revenue for the business. The review is now underway, and no details have been decided as yet. We will announce the details as soon as they have been confirmed.”
So that’s not a ‘yes’, but nor is it a ‘no’. An Australian AV website seems adamant this news will be announced officially by Pioneer in Japan on March 7th. We shall have to wait and see.
Maybe the high-end plasma market isn’t as buoyant as Pioneer might have hoped, despite brilliant reviews from people like us. When the company is asking you to spend £2000 on a 42in, and £3000 and above for a 50in, it can be a bit of a stretch.
Source: www.smarthouse.com.au